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The Snow Melt Panels are central operations centers for fully automatic snow melt systems with a dedicated heat source (e.g. a boiler or other non-DHW appliance). Includes the primary and secondary pumps, snow melt control, mixing valve, mixing valve motor, transformer, thermometer, and isolation valves.
Snow/Ice Sensor (DRVWSNS-SS) sold separately.
Thumbnail | Stk# | Title | Publication Date | Size | Download |
Instructions | |||||
L6SMP000SS | Stainless Steel SMP Panel Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual (Instructions) | 2016-01-11 | 16.04 MB | Download | |
Submittal | |||||
SUBSMP000SS | Stainless Steel Snow Melt Panels without Heat Exchangers Submittal | 2018-07-25 | 1.11 MB | Download |
Image | Stk# | Product Name | Status |
DRVWSNS-SS | Driveway Sensor for SMP Panels | Active | |
ETF-144/99A | Slab Sensor (12k) PVC Sleeve 8ft Cable for ETO2SMCNTR SnowmeltController | Active | |
ETF-1733/44/55 | Optional Outdoor Sensor for SMCP & SMP Panels | Active | |
OPT-SMP-680 | Optional SMP Control Upgrade to BMS 680 BACnet (30090,30091 Sold Sep.) | Active |
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