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An Investment in Research and the Power of Infrared

Infrared ovenEstablished in 2000, the goal of HeatLink's manufacturing plant (formerly PexCor Manufacturing) is to meet the demands of growing markets for high quality and affordable PEX-a tubing (Engel method cross-linked polyethylene) in North America.

By investing in research and HeatLink’s proprietary infrared technology for crosslinking, HeatLink is in a unique position to deliver PEX-a tubing to North America. The strategy also involves new developments in the uses of polyethylene for tubing, and research and analysis over long periods at higher temperatures and pressures.

HeatLink and Crosslink Finland Oy have a proprietary process for PEX-a by using short wave length infrared heating having both absorbing and penetrating components in order to achieve even crosslinking throughout the whole tube wall.

Water Distribution Manifolds

TwistSeal manifold in surface mount housingHeatLink also manufactures the TwistSeal family of products, a patented heating and plumbing water distribution manifold. Various OEM accounts and an international community of customers and associates receive this product under various licensing agreements.

Investment in research and testing laboratories enables HeatLink to respond to the changing environment in the worldwide market of high performance plastics for the plumbing, heating and potable water industries.

Mechanical Room in a Box

Panels in assembly areaMost recently, HeatLink introduced the Mechanical Room in a Box series of pre-fabricated panels. These panels are very installer and consumer friendly. By integrating common components of a hydronic system (pumps, control components and wiring) on a single panel, with a standard 100-volt plug, the mechanical room becomes an appliance.

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