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Who is HeatLink?

About Us

HeatLink is a multi-system supplier of potable water and radiant hydronic heating/cooling and snow melt systems. For over 20 years we have created comfortable and efficient heating, cooling and plumbing systems for residential and commercial construction.

HeatLink’s radiant heating systems create a comfortable and energy efficient environment for living. Our snow melt systems create safer public and private spaces that reduce liability for property owners, reduce maintenance, and ensure accessibility. Our well engineered plumbing systems provide peace of mind for property owners through extensive warranty protection, and enable quick and efficient installations for builders and contractors.


HeatLink began as a family owned business developed to service a number of industries including HVAC.  The company grew to meet the needs of builders, contractors, and architects and began designing and installing radiant heating systems in 1985. Since 1985 HeatLink has grown into an industry leading designer and manufacturer of radiant heating, cooling, and potable water systems.

HeatLink has developed and manufactured a long list of industry firsts such as the “TwistSeal” tool-less manifold in 1996. The company began manufacturing PEX-a tubing in 1998 and now supplies the highest quality PEX-a systems to customers throughout North America and parts of Europe and Asia.

HeatLink works with a network of experienced and successful partner agencies to meet the design, system installation and training needs of the construction industry, designers, and architects.


HeatLink in an industry leader in providing a broad range of potable water and radiant heating/cooling and snow melt systems for customers throughout the world. Our focus from our inception remains on creating well engineered and energy efficient solutions that are easy to install and last a lifetime.

Company Description

Our innovative plumbing and heating systems help provide a comfortable and worry free environment for people in residential and commercial work and living spaces. We continue to design quiet and energy efficient heating and potable water systems that are easy to install and last a lifetime. HeatLink was built on a strong family work ethic and a value system that remain the foundation for our continuing growth and industry leadership role.

Management Bios

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