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SST Series Panels are distribution panels with their own pump and mixing valve to supply radiant areas that each need a different supply water temperature. Typical applications include radiant heating and snow melting.
The base SST panel includes:
One of the following control packages is required:
Optional factory installed manifold add-ons:
Optional factory housing upgrades:
1 Thermostats are sold separately.
2 Snow/Ice Detector DRVWSNS-SS sold separately.
3 Snow/Ice Detector 30090/91 sold separately.
4 Pressure activated bypass and side mount automatic air vent are not compatible and can't be used on the same panel.
Image | Stk# | Product Name | Status |
SST-3WMIX-SM | Replacement 3/4" 3-Way Mixing Valve for Small SST Panels | Special Order |
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