We are thrilled to announce that Jimmy Fey has joined the Mosack Group/HeatLink team as the Eastern Regional Sales Manager. With over 18 years of experience in the plumbing/industrial/PVF market, Jimmy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our organization.
Jimmy's career has been marked by significant achievements at companies such as Fastenal Company, Emerson Corporation, and Grupo Tigre, where he honed his skills in sales, management, and relationship-building. His deep understanding of plumbing and mechanical systems positions him perfectly to drive growth and innovation in our product portfolio.
"I am excited to join the Mosack Group/HeatLink, a company known for its quality and extensive range of products," Jimmy shared. "I look forward to utilizing my management experience and leveraging relationships to expand our presence in the Eastern US market."
Outside of work, Jimmy resides in upstate NY, where his family operates a cattle farm. He enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, playing lacrosse, and exploring the outdoors.
Please join us in welcoming Jimmy Fey to the Mosack Group/HeatLink family. We are confident that his leadership and industry knowledge will contribute to our continued success.
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