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How Do I Edit an Automation?

You can always edit and adjust an Automation, including the rules from a pre-defined Automation.

  1. Click on Equipment on the menu bar.
  2. Select Automation.
  3. Click on the Automation tile you would like to edit.
  4. Click on Edit.
  5. This will open the Automation rules. You can now:
    1. Rename the Automation
    2. Change the “When” criteria
    3. Redefine the “Do This” criteria
    4. Set the “Then Do This Later” criteria
  6. Review the rules you set. You can add or delete rules as needed.
  7. Click Save.
  8. You now have four (4) additional edit choices. Choose to update one, some, all or none:
    1. Disable the Automation
    2. Run the Automation immediately
    3. Update your pinning preference for the Automation tile
    4. Add or remove the Automation from a MyStatus

See also “Deleting An Automation

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