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HeatLink® has expanded their F1960 PEX-a Potable Water Expansion System to include large dimension sizes. 1-1/4", 1-1/2", and 2" high performance polymer (HPP) fittings, no lead (Eco)brass fittings, and PEX-a expansion rings are now available.
Perfect for high flow water distribution applications, such as mains and risers.
PEX-a Expansion Rings use the strong shape memory of PEX-a to form a watertight seal.
The PEX-a tubing and expansion ring are expanded with a specialized tool and allowed to contract in order to form the connection. As the PEX-a contracts the connection will strengthen.
The PEX-a process produces a higher degree and greater uniformity in crosslinking, resulting in product with significantly improved material properties with respect to temperature, pressure, strength and chemical resistance.
Fittings and rings are also available in ½", ¾", and 1" sizes for all your small dimension plumbing needs.
Contact your local sales representative or regional sales manager for more information.
Literature | |||
Installation Guide | |||
Trifold | Submittals | ||
Products | |||
HPP Multiport Tees | |||
HPP Fittings | No Lead Brass Fittings |
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